I had the opportunity to interview Nene who happens to be the host and creator of The Nene Show.

How was it for you growing up in Newark?
I was born in Newark, NJ Beth Israel Hospital but I was raised in Elizabeth, NJ.
My experience growing up there was rough, but it made me the go-getter that I am today.
It showed me who to be and what not to do. I’ll rep it Til’ the day I die lol. Eaztwick!

Talk to me about ‘Project Pocket Book’ and your involvement?
“Project Pocket Book” is a movement my colleague Kayy Simone and I decided to bring to the East Coast with the help of “Girls Room JC”. It originated in California I believe. The inspiration behind that was we wanted to do something for the less fortunate
women in our communities.
So we set up a campaign where everyone could donate handbags/purses/backpacks, toiletries, water, food, or money. We held drop-offs at many local businesses in Newark, Roselle, Elizabeth, and Jersey City. The amount of support we received was overwhelming with more than 150 bags donated, including money and toiletries.
We then distributed the bags to homeless men and women, and to two Women’s Shelters! The experience was humbling and I plan on making it something that is annual.
Who are some of the people who inspired you over the years?
Oooo good question, I have two categories of people who I am inspired by. The ones that are in mainstream media and some that are still working on their dreams. To be honest I am more inspired by my peers and colleagues.
To name a few media personalities Pinky McCoy, Lifestyle Blogger Janae Raquel, Media Personality Ms. Tee Talk and many more. On a bigger scale, I have got to say, P. Diddy, Ellen DeGeneres, Jimmy Fallon, and Steve Harvey. Also, I can’t forget about my original team Watari Studios, Beat by Twiggy, Monique, my best friend Kim they inspired me to start what we now know as “The Nene Show”.
What would your Biopic be titled?
LOL wow um, She made it out! I always talk about making it out of the hood, so yep SHE MADE IT OUT! lol
I’ve seen you make Reference to ‘The Nene Show’ returning in February 2018. What should we expect from the show this time around?
You’re very perceptive! I was hoping that everything for “The Nene Show” visual show on YouTube would be ready by my birthday on Feb 23, but unfortunately, it won’t be. But, I rather create something that is done well, then to rush it. I want to make sure everything is close to perfect! But the next season of the show will be much more interactive and on a larger scale. Who knows it might even take a whole different direction!
Talk about the amount of production that goes into putting together ‘The Nene Show’?
YEAH….about that it’s a lot of work. A lot of FUN work. I do now have “The Nene Show” radio show on Non-fiction Radio so the prep for that is weeks in advance. But the visual show would take from 2-4 hours to shoot, with about 2-5 people working on set.
Editing was so much work, and it was difficult for us to choose what to keep in the interviews with so much great content we had! It’s so much fun I can not wait to start it up again!
Who is your dream person to interview?
How to find Nene/The Nene Show