Apple TV+ launched on November 1, 2019, and “See” was one of the original series you could watch on day one.
The Plot
“See” takes place in the distant future, after a deadly virus decimated humankind. Those who survived emerged blind. Jason Momoa stars as Baba Voss
What I Liked
The overall production of this series is second to none. When Apple announced that it would spend $1 billion on original content, I expected the best actors, directors, and production that money could buy. And “See” has met those expectations.
The acting in this series is at a high level. I personally think Queen Kane (Sylvia Hoeks) is the best actor in this series. She absolutely shines in every scene that she is in.
I love the world that they created in this series. The amount of detail they put into the culture in this fictional world is exceptional in my opinion. I had similar vibes about director Frank Lawrence’s work with the movie “I Am Legend
What I Don’t Like
The plot of the show takes place 600 years in the future. I don’t believe roads, highways, and other industrial things would just go away in 600 years. Maybe the buildings would be decayed but that would not disappear. There is a scene at the very end of the series that shows a city out in the distance that looks like it might be what would have been Pittsburgh.
I totally recommend this show if you are one of those people that enjoy those medieval type of shows like Game Of Thrones
A new podcast is coming soon titled “SR Now: Stream Fiend” lookout for details soon.

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