V-Radio will host the 3rd Party Candidate Series. V-Radio will be inviting candidates from all of the 3rd parties and independents for President in an effort to give alternative choices for the 2020 election. Check out one of the episodes below via BlogTalkRadio.
Share on Facebook Tweet it Email https://samadrobinson.com/the-jay-doherty-podcast-eps-130-shifting-strategy/#bWF4cmVzZGVmYXV In episode 130 of The Jay Doherty Podcast, Jay Doherty talks about how the…
Share on Facebook Tweet it Email https://samadrobinson.com/maine-libertarian-party-holds-convention-on-zoom/#bGliZXJ0YXJpYW4 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people are forced to do…