‘Killing Eve’ Review | Stream Fiend

After watching season 1 of “Killing Eve

” I was extremely disappointed. I’m not even curious how deranged the two become in season 3. I believed that the relationship between Eve and Villanelle was extremely undesirable. Watching the trailers lead me to believe that it would have been an exciting balance of good and bad.

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Eve’s desire to catch a worldwide assassin excited me the most. In the beginning, the development of her character was astounding. Unfortunately, I started losing my attachment to her character as she became more obsessed with catching Villanelle. Her motives became very misconstrued when she realized that she wanted more from Villanelle than she ever thought.

I found myself constantly contemplating whether Villanelle was a psychopath or a sociopath. There were moments when I found myself trying to connect to her character but confused by her actions. Every time I had a shred of sympathy, she behaves in a manner I can’t even begin to understand. Villanelle’s obsession with Eve made less and less sense as the season progressed.

Both characters came on two strong in their pursuit of each other. It was upsetting that both characters were geniuses but every time they met you can’t even tell if they love or hate each other.



A new podcast is coming soon titled “SR Now: Stream Fiend” lookout for details soon.

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