Hurricane Irma Has Company In The Atlantic Ocean With Jose and Katia

Hurricane Irma is not the only hurricane currently living in the Atlantic Ocean. Hurricane Jose and Hurricane Katia have formed in the Atlantic Ocean shortly after Irma.
Jose and Katia are not as nearly as strong Iram but they are hurricanes none to less. Hurricane Jose happens to be right behind Hurricane Irma. Just like Irma Jose is headed for the Caribbean islands, Cuba and South Florida.
Hurricane Katia is resting the Gulf of Mexico headed towards Mexico. Katia and Jose are not considered to be major storms but after Harvey and with Irma approaching these storms can be come overbearing to humanity.
Irma has already made land fall and ripped through the island St Thomas. It has been reported that every building on the island has been damaged.

Irma is being called the strongest hurricane ever in the Atlantic Ocean which is expected to take a hard turn right head up the coast of Florida. I wonder is that solar eclipse has anything to do with the severity of these recent storms?
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