Eric Holder Is Considering Running For President In 2020

Former Attorney General during Barack Obama’s presidency, Eric Holder is strongly considering running for president in 2020.
Eric Holder is as liberal as they come and has openly expressed his distaste for President Trump and Republicans in Congress.
Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department

“We need somebody who has the vision for the job, somebody who has got the necessary experience, somebody who has the capacity, physical as well as mental, somebody who also has the ability to inspire people, to make people believe government can be the force for good and make people believe in this thing we call America. They have to be able to move people, to bring up together in ways this President has clearly not done.” – Eric Holder

Holder would likely get an endorsement from the 44th president Barack Obama if he truly decided to throw his name in the hat of Democratic candidates to run in 2020.
Eric Holder 2020 For President T-Shirt Liberal Democrat

The question I have is will Eric Holder get the majority support of the Democrat voters if he decides to run? After the 2018 primaries, the picture will begin to get clear of who will be the candidates for the Democrats.

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