
"New York, I Love You" Episode Is Emmy Level

By Samad Robinson

May 26, 2017

Master of None season 2 starring Aziz Ansari was released earlier this month. The 6th episode, in particular, I find to be simply amazing. The episode was written and shot so well. You truly don’t have to be a fan of the show to enjoy the “New York, I Love You” episode of Master of None. Aziz thinks of this episode as the New York you don’t get to see. I absolutely love how the show deviants from the primary characters and begin to follow random New Yorkers throughout their day. I find it impossible to not be engaged in the episode when they begin to follow the deaf girl. The audio goes completely silent and you’re forced to read the subtitles to follow the conversations. I found myself actually empathizing to some degree with people who have to live their everyday life deaf. Then they follow a cab driver who had an interesting journey that seemed like what he goes through on a nightly base. The insight they showed of a foreign cab driver was amazing to me. I never truly thought about what those cab drivers do when they get off. All and all I think this episode is deserving of an Emmy award. Easily one of the best episodes I’ve seen on TV(even though it’s Netflix) ever.