
Chicago #BLMKidnapping

By Samad Robinson

January 07, 2017

The Chicago Sun-Times have finally revealed the names of the young adults who kidnapped and tortured a man in Chicago. Jordan Hill, 18, of Carpentersville, and Tesfaye Cooper, 18, Brittany Covington, 18, and Tanishia Covington, 24, all of Chicago. As soon as I heard of the story I tweeted “this #BLMKidnapping is one of the most egregious things I ever seen”. 

It has already been reported that the victim had special needs, but I’m not sure if the kids who did the kidnapping didn’t have special needs as well. I understand they are young, but youth cannot be used to excuse ignorants. Not only did you kidnap a man, you decided to torture him and put it on Facebook live for the world to see. Do people really think”there” facebook pages are some type of private community? This was no doubt a hate crime and should be treated a such. I will be watching this case closely to see what the ultimate verdict will be for these young men and ladies.